Salisbury-Ocean City:
Wicomico Regional Airport
5485 Airport Rd Suite A
Salisbury, MD 21804
Wicomico County, Maryland, on behalf of the Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport, hereby publishes a proposed overall goal for its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program for federal fiscal years (FFY) 2022-2024. The proposed goal is 7.37% for all Airport Improvement Program (AIP)-funded projects in FFY 2022-2024.
The methodology used in developing the goal is available for inspection during normal business hours at the Airport administrative office: Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport, 5485 Airport Terminal Road, Unit A, Salisbury, MD 21804. The Airport will receive and consider public comments on the proposed goal until August 26, 2022. Comments may be submitted in writing to the Airport at the above address or at
For additional information and questions, please contact Mr. Anthony Rudy, Airport Manager, at 410-548-4827 during normal business hours.